Neighborhood of Fruit-Loving Families

"We believe in the power of the Family.
We’re dedicated to a lifestyle where we grow our own food, live in harmony with nature, and support each other as a community.
Together, we commit to protecting children and honoring the integrity of every family."


Our Motivation

We want our children to grow up where...

  • Healthy food grows abundantly
  • There are good people around
  • There are business opportunities
  • Traditional values are respected
  • Durian can be grown

Our Vision

Our goal is to build a lasting community—one that endures for generations. We aim for families to live in harmony, creating a village where strong family bonds form the foundation. Working together, we create an added layer of protection around our future: our children. To us, a true community is a nurturing neighborhood where each family’s autonomy is respected. Through careful selection and shared values, we ensure we grow as a unified and cohesive group. We believe these core principles will help us achieve our goals:

  • Strong Foundations: Our community is built on whole families who uphold traditional values.
  • Family Autonomy: Each family maintains sole ownership of their land, preserving individual independence.
  • Shared Values: We align on essential matters:
    • A primarily fruit- and plant-based whole food diet for health and well-being
    • Long-term goals of self-sufficiency and a fruit-based lifestyle
    • A strong stance against mind-altering and addictive substances
  • Permaculture: We care for our land with permaculture practices for sustainability
  • New members are carefully selected to ensure they share this vision.

We create a neighborhood where

🍌social life is organized around fruits

🍍 simple fruit based raw vegan life is supported

🥑 children can grow up experiencing fruit diet as normal choice around them

🥭 we celebrate with fruits and raw salads

More about our diet...

Contact Us

If you like our project and want to know more let's get in touch.