
Dietary Guideline of our Plant Based Neighborhood

High fruit

We chose our location for abundant tropical fruit production. It is best suited for diets very rich in fresh fruits (at least 50%)

Plant based

We organize a plant based neighborhood. We find it easily sustainable as food grows all year round in the warm tropical environment.

Whole food

We choose whole foods for our health and lifestyle. They are nutritionally balanced and provide simple and meaningful lifestyle.


We accept and adapt to the plants that thrive in our ultra-tropical microclimate. We choose what we can grow and easily access and rarely supplement with food from other locations.


We are eager to grow as much of our own food as possible. Homegrown food is highly nutritious, super fresh and the only food we can be sure how it was grown. We create a neighborhood where the families can exchange their high quality excess food crops.

The following diets are welcome

  • 80/10/10
  • High Fruit Raw Vegan
  • Natural Hygene Diet
  • Fruitarian / Frugivore Diet
  • Mucusless Diet
  • High Raw Plant Based
  • High Carb, Low Fat Plant Based
  • Raw till Dinner
  • Transitioning Diet to Raw Food Diet
  • Farm Fresh Plant Based Diet
  • Grain free, oil free, low sodium plant based diet

We understand that everyone’s path is different and there are different phases during our raw vegan / fruitarian / 80/10/10 journey.
Starting a Fruit Homestead is challenging in the beginning as most fruits take a few years to produce. We accept reality and see that in times involving limited simple steamed / cooked tubers and vegetables can be a valid compromise.
We support sourcing food from markets especially in the first period, so maintaining a raw diet from the beginning is also possible.

Community Gatherings

We celebrate with fruits and raw salads even if we navigate with some cooked veggies until our fruit production starts or any other reason.
Families who choose to involve steamed / cooked meals in their diet value that community time is raw and fruit based.
We create a neighborhood with families who understand that their health is their responsibility.
We accept different choices during everyone’s family life.
We have rules to the community events and these can be guidelines for personal diet choices.


  • - fruits
  • - food combining
  • - salad greens, raw veggies, heart of palm, salads
  • - simple meals with limited ingredients
  • - juices, especially farm fresh juices

With Moderation

  • - dehydrated, frozen, freeze dried, fermented food in limited quantity
  • - very mild herbs, like cilantro or mild basil in small quantities


  • - no cooked food
  • - no salt or spices
  • - no oil or other processed ingredients
  • - no garlic, onion, garlic leaf or other onion-like aromatic plants
  • - no chili or other plants with capsicum
  • - no cacao, coffee or other stimulants
  • - no herbs, the only exception can be very mild herbs in small quantities