Our Current Status

Learn where we are in our mission


The first settlement took root

We are the first fruity family in a new area that we discovered a few years ago for its agriculture potential. We established our farm in 2021.

The location is South Pacific Costa Rica, the closest town is Ciudad Neily. The climate is hot tropical, ideal for the fruit tree profile that we like to grow, with an elevation of 35 meters above sea level. We have abundant rain of varying intensity throughout a 9 month rainy season, with the typical rainy days still bringing a few hours of sunshine in the morning hours.


Let's Grow

We have arrived to the maturity of our project when we would like to attract like minded families showing them an alternative way of living in a tropical environment.


Supporting New Neighbors

Starting a food forest homestead comes with its share of challenges. We offer support to make the process smoother and reduce the risk of setbacks.

Our services include assistance with the land purchase, permaculture design, land management strategies, and infrastructure planning. With our experience, you can build a thriving fruit homestead while saving time and resources.